
There seems to be a disconnect between those that have college degrees and those without college degrees. Here we have the Federal Reserve telling us wages are too high when it has been clear for the last decade that wages have not kept up with the cost of living or increased productivity. Yet the feds are trying to cool wage growth in order to reduce inflation. Most of the current inflation has been caused by supply constraints and has nothing to do with increased wages. Now, when those who struggle the most and make the least in this country need help, all of it is being pulled away. 

I will not make any excuses, I do not have a college degree and much of that is due to my own emotional failings. However, I am a hard worker, smart, determined, and loyal. When I look for a workplace, I hope for little to no drama, respect, and pay in line with my capability/responsibility. In most cases, I find workplaces where the office runs like a high school and pay 10-20% below where it would make me feel valued. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, I left my management job and spent more time with my family. Instead of a traditional job I delivered food, groceries, and packages for a multitude of companies. This allowed my schedule to be very flexible and I was able to maintain my household finances while spending more time with my children. As the pandemic drug on, the tips have dwindled to an average of $1 per delivery, if you are lucky, and the number of package delivery routes available has been cut in half. This has pushed me to pursue a path back to a career with more structure. 

UPS hired me as a Seasonal Driver but they too had a large decrease in volume meaning fewer hours and fewer overall working days. Still, I enjoyed the physical nature of the job, getting exercise while working is a definite benefit. Alas at the beginning of January, we were all let go and told they may need us next year. Having a regular schedule and knowing how much I was going to make every day helped me feel more confident about myself and my family having stability. 

Now I search the want ads and what I find is disturbing. The Federal Reserve is getting its wish, all the jobs are lowering the pay for new employees. The same companies that a year ago were offering $23-$25/hr are now offering $18-$19/hr. I could barely survive off of $25/hr and now if I want structure I will have no choice but to put my family in financial distress or work two jobs. Somehow I feel that the "American Dream" has become about working more than you are capable until which time you are too old to truly enjoy the "Dream".